OK guys settle down, your not going to like what I have to say here. Because the ski boat industry is so competitive our engines often times have small differences from the kissin cousin counterparts found in light trucks. A Mercruiser 260 HP 5.7 might be pretty close to a truck set-up, besides the obvious marine components like exhaust, ignition, cooling etc. Engine builders like PCM, Indmar, Marine Power, and now ILmor buy their base engines al a cart, they choose the block, crank, pistons, cam, heads in a combination they want. Expect a little higher comp. ratio, hardened perhaps stainless valve seats, different cam than auto use etc. Then comes the ECM, compression ratio & camshafts must be matched to the ECM calibration. Each engine builder calibrates their ECMs to the engine type. Often adjusting the calibration to specific engine/boat models. Will a common auto reman work, maybe, will it run as good as the original, doubtful. All the components are designed to work together for maximum power and reliability. If you have a 1995 pick-up with a blown engine & want to put an available same size engine from a 1999 model chances are it may not even start unless you transfer the computer with it, this is how we have progressed to maximize performance.