Author Topic: Another leak !!!!  (Read 5753 times)

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Offline Andrew

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Another leak !!!!
« on: May 30, 2019, 07:31:02 AM »
Last fall all three times I took my Advance out, ended up with several inches of water in the bilge, enough to run the pump. The exhaust holes were leaking, the rudder port was leaking, and the transom plug as leaking. Finally got all of those fixed ( thanks Ron) and the bilge was dry when I went for a run last Monday. But I was so busy watching the dry bilge, I didn’t notice until I got back to the ramp that the carpet was soaked.

Wet section is on the sb side, right where the floor meets the hull. Extends out maybe 3-4 inches from the hull. Starts about two feet aft of drivers seat, and wet all the way back to the fuel tank.

I’m thinking has to be hull to deck joint -  but the carpet on the hull sides is dry. But can’t be coming from below, right?

Offline RonT

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Re: Another leak !!!!
« Reply #1 on: May 30, 2019, 09:00:30 AM »
Common hull/deck joint leaks are mid-ship, when diving into a turn the area near & ahead of the windshield gets a lot of water pressure there. Boat at this age really need to correct fix:
Remove the rubrail, cut out the old caulk between the hull & deck, tighten and/or replace all loose screws, re-caulk (use life seal) then reinstall rubrail, then carefully re-caulk the rubrail. THis creates a double seal.
Your water is probably entering near the front and running down to the back.
I have used silicones before but they wash out, the BoatLife products actually work

Offline Andrew

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Re: Another leak !!!!
« Reply #2 on: May 30, 2019, 10:12:53 AM »
I watched your video ( part 16) on this, but still confused when you say ‘reinstall the rub rail, then re-caulk the rub rail’.

That final bead of caulk, hard to tell at 15:07 of the video what is being caulked there ? Is that between the insert and the rub rail ? On the bottom?

Offline Andrew

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Re: Another leak !!!!
« Reply #3 on: May 30, 2019, 12:05:48 PM »
Two more questions....

Why not 5200?

Do I need to lift the deck off the hull to clean the old caulk out, and get enough  caulk in there? Seems like that would be easier as compared to digging it out, and then attempting to shoot new caulk straight up. Or am I making this more complicated than I need to?


Offline RonT

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Re: Another leak !!!!
« Reply #4 on: May 31, 2019, 12:08:56 PM »
Removing the deck and re-installing it can be challenging and I do not recommend it, nor do I recommend using 3m5200 to caulk the joint, as 5200 is way too permanent. I simply take a utility knife and cut the old hull deck caulk out, repair the screws, and re-caulk. Wait a day for the hull.deck caulk to cure, then install the rubrail, once the rubrail is done to make a nice looking job I like to apply masking below and under the rubrail and fill the area between the tape lines with caulk, smear with my finger, then remove the tape leaving a nice clean filled area between the rubrail & hull side. Feel free to call if this doesn't answer your question. 

Offline Andrew

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Re: Another leak !!!!
« Reply #5 on: May 31, 2019, 07:59:30 PM »
Oops, should have called before I started. I guess the next sorry sob who buys this boat will be calling you to ask why he can’t get the darn deck off, cause some fool must have glued it on with 4200!

I could not seem to dig all of the caulk out with the deck in place, so I lifted it up a couple inches in sections, and cleaned up the hull sides. Covered with a lot of 4200, dropped back in place and then screwed all around using the original locations. I think I hit 25+ screws up each side before finding a solid one, so a lot of new holes. Once I screwed it tight with the newly drilled holes, a nice looking bead of caulk was showing in the joint the whole way around. For a few minutes I was thinking about thru bolting the sections that failed, but never got there.

Should be ready to put the rub rail back on tomorrow. But now thinking about ordering a new one, or at least a new insert.

Offline RonT

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Re: Another leak !!!!
« Reply #6 on: June 01, 2019, 08:57:50 AM »
Trick to installing the insert is to warm it up, in the summer I will coil it up in a black plastic bag, leave it in the sun for an hour then quickly install it, in the factory I made a steel tub with an electric heater, the tub was filled with water & a little soap, cooked until 140 deg. then quickly installed.