That is one great looking Advance ! from the floor up of coarse. you have already jumped in with both feet and you will be successful. how could you not be a resource like this blog. I recently thanked Ron for all the help he provided me during my floor replacement this past fall, while I was at it I should have thanked Phil for the awsume job he has done putting this site together. personally, I would not have a clue how to do what he does, just glad he was inspired to do so !
I just posted some pictures on the gallery of my floor replacement in progress, you may find them helpfull, ( Keith's 85 Advance ). You may also like the way I mounted the swim plateform.
There are a lot of different ways of doing things, my advice, ask a lot of questions, combine all the knowledge, and do it the best you can with the resources you have.
Ron has a how to replace a floor tutorial somewhere in this forum, hands down if you get it from Ron you cannot go wrong, my guess, that guy never cut a corner in his life !
now that my boat is back in the water i can tell you replacing my rotten floor and water logged Foam was the best thing I could have done. the boat is as solid hitting a wake as it could be. the wake is smaller do to the boat being hundreds of pounds lighter, and the Hole Shot, unbelievable !
good luck, and keep us posted on your progress