No updates... but I do know more about "Blow out Preventors", dispersants, tar balls, tar mats, and 5.8 billion in profits last quarter,,,umm I didn't see any profit, however I am spending most of my time fixing their problem so they can return to fat pockets of money...I digress. .. I recommended we plug the hole with all the politicians and useless government folks who are constantly in the way diverting attention from the problem with arranging overflights, briefs, meetings to plan meetings... I've seen enough of the Governors of LA, MS, Al and Fl, Secretary Napolitano, Commandant Allen, Pres Obama and every swingin Senator there is to fill a lifetime. ...but at the end of the day, gas prices will go up... I just want to go for a boat ride...maybe ski a minute...I'm deliriuos... Is it about to be Hurricane season??