Gongchuan, I checked the compression, everything seems fine there. They were all 125-135, so I think that’s good. Right?
Thanks daveo, I’ll give that a try. I like the idea of not spending to much money… I feel like I have already replaced half the engine.
As for where the engine is at…
Last summer when I got the boat I remember it going around 40mph. Then I had a tick for awhile, turned out to be a collapsed lifter. So over the winter I replaced all the lifters. So far this year for one reason or another replaced the following:
New starter
New impeller
New fuel filter, oil filter, and oil (also have been using Valvtect Ethanol treatment in gas)
New oil pressure sensor
New neutral safety switch
New fuel pump
New fuel line (from pump to carb)
New carb (as of this past weekend)
New igniton switch, coil, spark plugs and spark plug wires (also this past weekend)
When I say the engine ran ‘’fine” I was referring to it sounding fine when it was not under a heavy load. It would run smooth and not backfire.The boat seemed to struggle getting up to speed with 3 people on the boat pulling a tub with 150lbs on it. If I took it up to 3000rpms it would start to backfire a little. It would do the same if I gunned it from idle. It also occasionally backfires when trying to start it.
We thought it might have a timing problem so we checked the timing. Moved around the timing and the dwell, neither helped (if anything made it worse, so we put them back). Now it seems like the problem is getting worse. I can not drive the boat at all. It starts up, sounds fine then shuts off after 20sec to a minute. If I let it sit a few minutes, it will crank back up, but soon dies again. If I try to start it right after it dies, then it won’t start. It seems like it is cranking slower now too, even with a new starter and fully charged battery.
91 AS Advance,351 W Indmar, Holly 4160 Marine carb(new), Prestolite breakerless marine distributor, Prop: OJ 13x13 4blade legend