Author Topic: Transmission issue? No neutral...  (Read 9703 times)

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Offline Daximus

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Transmission issue? No neutral...
« on: June 29, 2013, 07:42:38 PM »
Hey all!

I suspect this is cable/linkage related, but tonight when I took my new boat (86 A/S Advance) out for it's maiden voyage I couldn't seem to find neutral.

I got it home tonight, and fired it up on the hose in what I suspect should be neutral. It started right up, but slowly the drive and prop started spinning. Not spinning full speed, but still spinning along pretty good. Shifting to reverse made me nervous as it was spinning pretty fast in forward, but it would go into and spin in reverse without any harsh noises or thunks. Throttle up and down seems to work normally, and the button that allows you to throttle without engaging the transmission seems to work. Although the prop spins a little regardless, at least when it's on land.

Like I said, I suspect linkage issue, but being totally ignorant to the operation of a velvet drive I figured I would ask.  I'm going to disconnect the linkage next time I have a chance and manually operate it from the trans to see it acts normally like that. My questions...

Think I'm on the right path chasing linkage issues?

Is there something I just don't know about the lack of neutral on these boats?

Will it operate, or is it supposed to, operate differently when actually on the water insofar as the neutral position goes?

I appreciate any advice you all have. I'm mechanically inclined, but this is my first direct drive boat so I'm in uncharted territory.

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Offline Daximus

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Re: Transmission issue? No neutral...
« Reply #1 on: July 01, 2013, 06:41:51 PM »
Ok, to make things a little easier to visualize I attempted to take a video. My phone normally handles these chores, but it's acting real funky so I took it with my regular camera. Sorry for the quality.

To recap, I'm starting the boat on the trailer, in neutral. Immediately the trans starts spinning. Is this normal? In my mind, neutral is neutral, regardless of potential load on the propeller from being in the water or not.  I thought it was linkage related, but as you will see, I have the linkage off and get the same results.


American Skier Advance Possible Transmission Issue...

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Re: Transmission issue? No neutral...
« Reply #2 on: July 02, 2013, 06:32:12 AM »
when in the water the prop will be loaded and it will hold neutral - also I'll bet your strut bearing is worn out
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Re: Transmission issue? No neutral...
« Reply #3 on: July 02, 2013, 06:56:47 AM »
Just found the site again, Dan's right, watching the video made me queezy doubting that there is any water spraying on the strut while the shaft was spinning for 2 min. I am sure the rubber bearing is now toast & you are riding on the brass. Bearings & shaft alignment are in order. Lift the center floor up, &  carefully place your shoe on the coupling, if it stops when in Neutral & has very little "pull" your trans is ok, if you can't keep it still without burning a hole in your shoe in neutral you have another problem. 

Offline Daximus

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Re: Transmission issue? No neutral...
« Reply #4 on: July 02, 2013, 07:51:05 AM »
I knew the strut bearing was toast already from my previous inspection, so I wasn't concerned about it's well being. I just wanted to make sure the trans wasn't trash before I replace bearing and align it.

I'll be sure and keep some water on it from here on out.

I appreciate the help fellas! I'll try the shoe test asap.

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Offline backfoot100

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Re: Transmission issue? No neutral...
« Reply #5 on: July 02, 2013, 08:31:08 PM »
Could also be a "dirty" neutral. I've seen it before. Several times. Could be fine in the water but could still spin a little bit even in the water. If you can stop it by putting a little pressure on the prop shaft it could run just fine for some time like that but I'm guessing a rebuild is in your future.
When people run down to the lake to see what is making that noise, you've succeeded.

Offline Daximus

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Re: Transmission issue? No neutral...
« Reply #6 on: July 04, 2013, 08:25:51 AM »
I think I got hosed on this deal. Went out for a lake test today, motor overheats. Thinking I need a new impeller, I kind of figured as much.

Before the temp climbed though I did notice a few things. Prop still spins in water in neutral. Crap. I think the prop-shaft is bent, I can see the packing tube (or whatever you call it) undulating as it spins. Crap.

The trailer is falling apart. One bunk is almost detached, one fender guard did detach. All the bunk wood is dry rotted to hell. I really thought this boat was in better shape.

I'm half temped to, A dump it in the guy I bought it from's front yard, or, B drive it down to Dan's and let him have it for a month. So frustrated, lol.

Not a happy camper right now. I'll post up a video of what makes me think the prop is bent as soon as I get home. I'm at the lake today (camping) and using cell phone internet, so no uploading.

Oh well, I'm at the lake drinking a beer's not all bad.

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Offline Daximus

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Re: Transmission issue? No neutral...
« Reply #7 on: July 04, 2013, 10:55:01 AM »
Well there's yer problem....
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Re: Transmission issue? No neutral...
« Reply #8 on: July 04, 2013, 07:11:52 PM »
I cannot thank Dan enough. What a guy.

He got a hold of me this morning, probably sensing that I was about to lose my bananas, and got me back on the right track.  Loaded me up with knowledge, but, probably the best advice he had, "get an impeller and go use your damn boat this weekend." Well played sir. 

After the impeller issue became blatantly obvious (previous owner thought it should be fine) I ran down to the mom and pop marina on the lake I was at. They didn't have one. Dan cross referenced the part numbers and gave me four options to go look for. I'm in Western Kansas, I have one real marina within 300 miles. Drove over there and picked it up, ran back, installed it, and magically my overheating problem is no more. Ran 140 for 2 hours straight (I don't think it has a functioning thermostat).

This allowed me to go out for my first actual run with this boat and made my weekend.

I still have a list of issues to address, but no new ones popped up while out boating. Thing runs like a champ. Little vibration, but nothing insane. Found out today that the strut bearing has never been replaced, go figure. With that same logic, I'm assuming it's never been aligned either. I figure once I handle those two things I'll be in real good shape.  Trans still spins a little in neutral a bit, but I'm not going to over think it until I get the strut bearing swapped out.

Sorry for the novel, anyways, just wanted to publicly thank Dan for all his help.
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Re: Transmission issue? No neutral...
« Reply #9 on: July 05, 2013, 03:34:56 PM »
Between Dan, Ron, Mike & Eddie... we are truly blessed!!  If these guys cant figure it out then were out of luck!  BTW, that hasn't happened yet...  they always Get-R-Done   :)   Glad you got to take your baby out on the lake   :)
Joel - Columbus, OH - 1991 Advance