I broke down and had a mechcanic in town come out and take a look last night, thought I would post the results for the record.
He figured it out, and WOW, this starter cranks unbelievably ! well worth the trouble. First off, I found it odd that when I Googled how to convert to a Magnetic starter the Ignition wire was addressed but not the coil wire. This is because the coil wire would not usually be landed at the selinoid, even the elecrtic diagram in the manual shows it tied into the Positive Automatic Choke, ( ya thats right, I had the info in the manual the whole time ) not sure I could have figured that out even if I had looked at it.
I'm a carpenter by trade, which came in handy with my recent floor replacement, but not much good at electric issues.
Hope this info is helpfull to someone sometime, as I strongly recommend a Magnetic Starter.
Happy Boating to all, this weather we are having in Illinois is unbelievable, more days above 70 in March than in history, and a hi of 85 today !