I am having cooling issues myself at this time, I have read this entire topic in hope of finding a solution. I recently had an impellet blow apart, I think this was do to lake of water feeding it, I had a leaky hose feeding it and have since replaced.
I am hoping I just have the wrong impeller installed, all I could get in a pinch at a local Nautique dealer was a Sherwood. Not sure this one is adequate, I have since ordered a Jabsco from DIM, but have not received it yet.
Question, Brandon mentioned to be sure you get all the pieces of a blown impeller, I did clean out the impeller housing of all pieces, is there somewhere else I should look ?
I remover the T Stat to be sure that was not the problem but without it I am still running hot. At an idle only, about 210 degress, on a plane , she cooles off fine.
Till I get this corrected, is it dangerous to idle at 220 ?
Lot of questions, any help would be appreciated.
Thank-You all,
85 Advance