Mine had a worn Morse Controller. Inside the controller there is a ball and spring with detent for Nuetral, Forward Idle, and Reverse Idle. This ball rides in a grove for the rest of the travel. The spring is supposed to help it stay where you put it. Over time the ball wears a taper in this grove. obviously, the controller make a lot of movement from the first detent to whatever throttle you need. the grove on mine was about a 1/4" wide and 1/4" deep by the first detent, and a 1/8" wide and deep at full throttle, cause a slope that the ball rode in. I just replaced the Morse Controller, took about an hour. Now it stays put where you want it. I suppose you could disassemble the controller and have a new alluminum piece machined at a local machine shop, but that was more work than I wanted to take on. I still have the original controller and could take pics for everyone if there is interest.
Hope this helps.