Running unleaded gas is fine. I wouldn't worry about an additive. I've never been a believer of additives. Running premium gas has more than enough additives in it already. Right around '79 was when the big push to unleaded fuels was taking place. Even if it requires leaded for helping lubricate the valves, the general consensus I've been reading about for years is run it until the heads need to be replaced (which is a normal wear item sooner or later) and any new heads you install now will have the hardened seats that are OK for unleaded fuels.
The only caveat to my additives statement is that I would recommend running StaBil every tankful. The only reason I say that is I was told by Indmar tech dept. after I first got my boat to run it. They're long term testing indicated that the StaBil helped to maintain the freshness of the fuel to help keep the carb cleaner and the octane level of the gas where it's supposed to be. I've been running it like that since I got my boat and have never had a fuel related problem.
Just my .02.