I figured it out, a collections of neerdy 20 year olds couldn't do it, so I tried something simple & it worked. After erasing every cookie, cache, & every other thing I could come up with didn't work. Typing in the address into the URL bar still came up with the Temp home page. (even the nerds with their smart phones couldn't open the site)
I deleted the bookmarks, opened the google search bar, typed in American SKier Boats, saw the link for the forum site, clicked on that & the "normal" site appeared with 30+ new members added since I last saw the real count!!! Bookmarked the new find & it works again!! The only thing I can figure out is that when you type in the address you cannot add the shield icon to the address, but when you go through google & bookmark the address the skier shield icon stays there & works...I guess we need "the Shield"