Well, took the ole girl for a short run around the lake day before yesterday. Ran around a few times close to idle to let her warm up just a bit and gave it about half throttle........ then the dizzy jumped up out of the hole.
Holy Shit!
Well, when I built the engine the dizzy hold down bracket was missing and instead of going to a junk yard to pick one up I got one of those cheapo ones at auto zone (you know next to the other sport car chrome junk the kids are putting on their 4 cyl's these days). Freeking thing broke in half...... what a pain in the rectom.
Pulled all the plugs, put dizzy in hole and spun her over. Motor is fine, just that hold down bracket broke. For about 2 min there I was cussing a storm because I thought I had blown the engine somehow

Long story short, please be careful of those cheap hold down brackets if you happen to misplace yours!