Author Topic: The Messer Log  (Read 95414 times)

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Offline Joel

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Re: The Messer Log
« Reply #150 on: May 21, 2013, 04:16:09 PM »
I know your joking, but I would NEVER laugh at another man's boat heartaches...  I've had way too many tows back to the dock to do that!   Hope you get her back together and running in short order!

Bravo Zulu!!

Joel - Columbus, OH - 1991 Advance


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Re: The Messer Log
« Reply #151 on: June 01, 2013, 09:06:52 PM »
Quick update- pix to follow soon... boat is up and running SMOOTH..
-Hit a submerged tree (thanks flood)
-throttled up to 17kts with extreme rattling
-trailered, no apparent damage to prop or hull
-no play in prop
-play between shaft and coupler (see video)
-disconnected coupler from tranny (dropped about 1/4 inch

-tried to remove coupler without damaging shaft, valiant attempt, denied by boat
-pulled prop nut, propeller fell off in my hands
-cut shaft with sawzall
-removed rudder (no packing, no key??weird)
-removed shaft
-removed shaft log, packing and cleaned all parts
-cut cutlass/strut bearings out with sawzall

-pressed cutlass/strut bearings in
-installed new shaft
-installed coupling (tapered)
-conducted shaft alignment (Thanks Ron for the extra coaching)
-pulled coupling off, installed shaft log components (new hose, packing)
-re-installed coupling then bolted to tranny, tightened packing nut
-re-installed rudder (added a key, no packing?)
-buttoned up boat...

Once in the water I had about a drip every 2-3 seconds, no wiggle or shimmy..came on up to speed, smooth as buttah!

Thanks Ron for the coaching. Fellas, I have a noticeable (no vibration at all) improvement in the smoothness of the ride. Hitting the tree pushed me out of my comfort zone but after doing it, I will certainly recommend reviewing Ron's shaft alignment tips, getting him to send you some new Strut bearings and packing at a minimum.

Offline Joel

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Re: The Messer Log
« Reply #152 on: June 02, 2013, 10:29:08 AM »
VERY COOL!!!   Sounds like you did a helluva job!!

You probably already know this, but I'll throw it out there anyway.  The rudder may be the "O" ring & grease fitting type (no packing required).  Look at the through hull / rudder post under the fuel tank.  There may be two "O" rings inside (top / bottom) and a grease nipple on the exterior.  If so, install the rudder (with the key) and pump it up with marine grade grease via a grease gun until you get fresh grease coming out.  Wipe it off and done!

My rudder didn't have the key in it when I bought it - found it while cleaning out the bilge, along with some leaves & other debris.  I give my rudder post a few pumps every Spring as part of my De-winterization.   Actually works really well  :)

Everybody's boat could probably use an alignment - Which means I need to get off my happy ass and Get-R-Done.  Glad you figured out the problem & everything is correct... just in time too!

Joel - Columbus, OH - 1991 Advance


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Re: The Messer Log
« Reply #153 on: June 11, 2013, 02:31:54 PM »
The pix I promised (just back from Florida)... First two are before shaft alignment and after...


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Re: The Messer Log
« Reply #154 on: September 05, 2013, 01:06:11 PM »
Have you ever seen the beginning of Shelby the Swampmans show where he says "Don't ever do any of the hairbrained things I do"...

as an internet mechanic I like throwing around ideas and looking for any advise-  I rebuilt my Skier, loved it. Bought a 87 Nautique but my nephew decided he needed it ( by the way, nine years of no cranking, we got her fired up with a tuneup.. but tranny shot and being rebuilt).., anyway, have a look at the pix. A friend of mine trashed a boat and I was able to get the 351 PCM all complete except the distributer for $700. No tranny, but I did manage to get the throttle, cables, tranny mounts, silencers and associated plumbing and the complete gauge set. He had it running six months ago before he took the distributer and put it on a nautique. I have no reason to believe anything is wrong with it.

Q- I thought it was worth it, what do you think?
Q- since it will sit for a while, should I put any lubricants in it for sitting in the garage?
Q- the tag says the tranny was PCM, will a BW 1:1 bolt right up?

What will I do with it? I dunno right now. I bought it for parts, but now Im thinking about getting a distributer, firing her up and looking for a project hull... I'd love another Fish Nautique if anyone knows of a project one.


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eye candy - American Skier Sandwich
« Reply #155 on: May 30, 2014, 12:53:42 PM »
A neighbor call my dock the Inboard Club...


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Re: The Messer Log
« Reply #156 on: March 28, 2016, 09:41:42 PM »
Hi guys, I have moved off the lake and actually have real internet again, as opposed to the snail speed-non abilty to post, read or upload I have had for the last 4+ years. ... Now that I am back on, I see the site change has left images off due to the switch over. I would love to go back and add the images and videos where all you guys, especially Ron Tanis and Backfoot have helped me get my skier to pristine original condition and exceptional mechanical reliability. I gave it a shot but havent figured out how to edit a post. I'm sure it is something simple, but if someone would throw me a clue I'll make it happen. Love this site! Love American Skiers!

Offline backfoot100

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Re: The Messer Log
« Reply #157 on: March 29, 2016, 05:11:20 AM »
Wow, you got me buddy. I would assume that your email address changed which changes where the pics were routed. Purely a guess and I could be completely wrong. I can't help you at all but welcome back either way.
When people run down to the lake to see what is making that noise, you've succeeded.


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Re: The Messer Log
« Reply #158 on: May 09, 2021, 08:16:18 PM »
I would like to go back and add photos to old post that were deleted, but have not yet found the correct key strokes. Any one else in the same boat? The fix?