Author Topic: Water circulation pump (not impeller) issue  (Read 6270 times)

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Water circulation pump (not impeller) issue
« on: June 19, 2013, 09:36:21 PM »
Riddle me this batman... I see water at a somewhat steady stream coming from the bottom of my engine water circulation pump. There is a weep hole, but that's not where it comes from, it's the bottom side of the pump. ...Ok, no prob, I have always been told that if you see water from the weep hole then the seals are going bad, replace the pump. In this case it's not the weep hole, it is the bottom of the pump... fast fwd- new gasket set, sealed still streaming.   Ok, a buddy had a new PCM pump and I bolted it on, still streaming. I am now officially at a loss. Before I buy anything I'll wait for you guys to chime in with hopefully the same experience and fix before...

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Re: Water circulation pump (not impeller) issue
« Reply #1 on: June 20, 2013, 02:49:45 AM »
Pics would really help. Block isnt rusting away at the water holes is it?

Offline backfoot100

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Re: Water circulation pump (not impeller) issue
« Reply #2 on: June 20, 2013, 11:36:04 AM »
Hey Mess,

I don't remember for sure but I think you have a Ford in that thing.

I don't know for sure about Fords but I do know a Chevy circulation pump threads into the water jacket (on three of the four bolts if I remember right). This requires that you put sealant on the bolt threads before you assemble them or they'll leak.

Did you do that?
That is only if the Ford requires it. Maybe Dan or Ron can confirm.
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Re: Water circulation pump (not impeller) issue
« Reply #3 on: June 20, 2013, 07:08:28 PM »
I think your right... engine is a 351 PCM... block looks great, no crack, no water in oil.  Believe a new gasket and some serious gasket maker around the engine holes (whatever they are called) and the bolt holes will do it. Here are some pix.

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Re: Water circulation pump (not impeller) issue
« Reply #4 on: June 20, 2013, 08:04:59 PM »
Hey Mess,
Saw your post at CCFan. What, you don't trust us??? ;D ;D ;D ;D

Anyway, the block looks good to me but a crack can be pretty hard to see.

If you look at the block, you'll see pretty quick which holes go clean through to the water jacket. Make sure that you know which bolt holes are blind and which ones go through to the water jacket. Clean up the old sealant from the block and the pump itself. Clean up all the bolts with wire brush. They should be able to turn in nice and easy with your fingers. Make sure everything is clean and dry.
Put a thin coat of sealant on the new gasket, place on the pump and then another thin coat on the other side of the gasket. Place the pump on the block and screw the bolts into the blind holes finger tight.
On the holes that go through to the water jacket put a layer of sealant around the first 1/2" threads on the end of the bolt and screw them in finger tight. You don't have to put gobs of sealer on the gasket or around the bolt holes. Just on the threads before you screw them in.
I don't know about the Fords but a Chevy is torqued to 25 ft. lbs. It's not really that much. Too tight and you'll crush the gasket, squeeze the sealant out of the sealing surfaces and you'll have a leak.
Let it sit just like that overnight if at all possible so the sealant cures and then go ahead and fire it up.

If the original pump wasn't leaking out of the weep hole, I'm guessing the gasket started leaking someplace. Purely a guess.

Hope this helps.
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Re: Water circulation pump (not impeller) issue
« Reply #5 on: June 20, 2013, 11:26:50 PM »
It does, thanks for the help... nah, I usually hit Amskier, CCF and SKIDIM all together when I have an issue. I know between the boards somebody has been there.