I thought this site had parts of the forum limited to registered members only, I was just advised otherwise by a very non American Skier mechanic that it's open to anyone to read. I logged off & checked & they were right, they could read all our comments although they could not post. It appears that we are becoming a popular site for free How-To information, much of which is contributed by myself or my brother. My request is this: can we limit viewing these areas of the forum to registered members only? (Tech, eng. repair, boat maint., gen A/S Discussion) Maybe even register A/S boat owners only, I don't mind sharing info with A/S owners, but I do mind advising other brand mechanics using our info to profit from. The caller that brought this to my attention is a mechanic at a ski boat dealership who called me on the phone looking for some parts. He informed me that he was able to save time on a job, billed the customer for the full time he had estimated, bragged about how he pocketed an extra $200 all because of something some guy named RonT had written on the A/S forum.