Messer, Is that you in the video?
If the CG's contracting with civilian shipyards & contractors wasnt so obviously out of hand I'd be laughing my ass off... Around 1990, after a complete refit (from stem to stern) we took the USCGC Boutwell out of Todds Shipyard in Seattle. We had multiple watertight doors & hatches (at the maindeck & below) that were not watertight (some would barely close). The main mast shook so hard it almost broke in half during speed trials (31 knots). The phalanx (missle defense system) NEVER worked and was always down for repair. The entire ship's stenciling of water-mains, fire-mains, fuel lines, hydraulic lines, electrical lines, etc, were incorrectly marked/stenciled (the person applying the stencils couldnt read ENGLISH). The entire ship was painted Eggshell White (wrong color) - CG cutters are Bright White which makes a huge difference when sitting next to another cutter. If we washed the deck in the galley all the water would drain into the crews quarters the next deck down. When all the issues were brought to the command they all nodded politely and thanked us for our input and that was the last we'd heard about it. Whether or not it went any higher up the chain of command is anyone's guess... I suspect it went all the way to HQ (but thats the problem / not the solution). It took the CREW (not the shipyard) over a year to correct all the deficiencies. In the meantime we were all aboard hoping we didnt NEED the watertight doors or had to fight any fires onboard (which happened twice in my 3 years onboard MIDGET and BOUTWELL)... When the Admiral came to inspect the BOUTWELL, the crew was directed to repaint the dockside half of the ship so it matched the other two cutters tied next to us... No prep, no sanding, just paint it NOW... It was laughable...
The response to the EXXON VALDEZ was even more screwed up and clean up contractors made MILLIONS while making minimal impact on the spill. Long story short... does the deepwater fiasco surprise me?? Not in the slightest - hence, I'm retired because the command didnt want to hear LT Roberts say "No sir... thats a stupid idea" one more time. Just breathe deep and collect another dollar in retirement
