My boat equaled garbage when I purchased it.
Crank pulley was so rusted I went to blast it so I could powdercoat it and got swiss cheese
found a set of pulleys...... and installed the raw water pump, it wobbled very badly
purchased a new set of billet aluminum pulleys for this go round
trying to figure out how to center it properly because the bolts are one size and the holes in the pump were much larger. Turns out that the original pulley had pressed in raised areas that centered the water pump which my new automotive style pulley does not have.
Basically Ill need either shoulder bolts or sleeves. I got some brass sleeves today that work perfectly, just had to cut down the length a bit, all is right with the world once again (except I have to mill about 1/16th of an inch out of the center of the pulley so the pump will fit inside.) Just pieces to the puzzle, thats all.