If I have problems, it'll have to wait until Saturday. Wish me luck!
Another thing you'll want to do is try and make sure that the manifold and the riser have a nice flat surface before you bolrt them bak together again. The heating cooling cycles will warp them slightly which is how they start to leak in the first place.
Get some fine emery cloth and with flat block of aluminum stock with the emery wrapped around it. Some guys I know have used a flat piece of glass with the emery taped to it. Whatever you use it needs to be perfectly flat. Use a figure 8 motion of the emery over the riser and manifold gasket flanges. You'll see pretty quick if it's warped or a little uneven. Cut it just enough so that the whole flange surface is nice and even. Then you can bolt it all back together.
Eddie, Now that you mention it... I do have some light signs of seeping at the manifold/riser connection and yes I didnt think anything of it... One more thing to add to the "To Do" list 
Thanks for the info!
That's exactly what I'm talking about Joel. It's never an issue or a priority until you start having more significant problems.
Think about it for a minute.....If it's leaking on the outside, it's probably doing the same on the inside. It's just a small seeping thing that isn't very significant. The problems come when it starts to leak bad on the inside. Which it will eventually do if left unattended. Then you start getting water in the cylinders and you can have serious problems then.
Granted, it may be several years before it turns into a leak significant enough to cause engine damage but the moral of the story is to fix it and not ignore it.