Ski Boat Forum
Repairs and Maintenance => Boat Maintenance - All Ski Boats => Topic started by: RonT on March 25, 2016, 10:04:10 AM
Installing a prop is not difficult, but every year someone calls with a question about a new vibration that wasn't there before they changed props. There is one important step that needs to be followed that I show. I am also trying to be as politically correct as i can with these videos and left out another important step that believe it or not i get calls on every year... which side of the prop goes on first??? These videos are short and designed for the typical DIYer. What I would like to say is that if you can't figure out which end of a tapered prop goes on first you really should not attempt to do this, call a mechanic!
Thank for the video. Watched it and did not know that step but now i do.
Thanks Ron. Nicely done. Your vids are getting a lot of play time over at CCFan. The guys there love 'em. You ever think about doing one for installing a strut?
In the Shaft Alignment Video #1 I wrote about this in the text on Youtube below the video but you have to click the "show more" to see the whole narrative. I am trying to shoot video or stills as unique projects present themselves in my shop. Bear in mind the guys over at CCfan are probably seasoned DIYers unlike the guy that called last week who called to ask what size wrench he needs to buy to loosen up the (4) coupling bolts. Somewhere I need to draw the line when a DIYer needs to call a mechanic.
I needed somebody to tell me the size of the coupler nut haha. The biggest I had was one inch. So I went to the store and bought 4 of the biggest sizes they had. It turned out being 1 1/16. So I took the other 3 back.