Ski Boat Forum

General Category => General American Skier Discussions => Topic started by: phil on February 24, 2013, 01:02:49 PM

Title: 3rd Annual Reunion Attendance
Post by: phil on February 24, 2013, 01:02:49 PM
This is the 2013 reunion attendance thread.
Title: Re: 3rd Annual Reunion Attendance
Post by: Joel on February 24, 2013, 07:57:43 PM

If your coming to the 3rd Annual AM Skier Boat Reunion, PLEASE provide the following information:

# of Guests (incude yourself):
Boat Make/Model:
Dates of Arrival/Departure:

See y'all there!   Thanks,

Your Humble Reunion Cruise Director  ;)
Title: Re: 3rd Annual Reunion Attendance
Post by: Midskier on February 25, 2013, 11:20:37 AM
Name: Dan , Paula, Aaron
# of Guests (include yourself): 3 maybe 4
Boat Make/Model: walmart boat w/boom 
Dates of Arrival/Departure: plan on arriving  Thursday evening  6-13 and depart Tuesday morning 6-18
Title: Re: 3rd Annual Reunion Attendance
Post by: dwelter on February 26, 2013, 05:27:08 PM
Dennis and Margo Welter
arrive Thursday evening, depart Sunday (thinking of leaving Monday)
Title: Re: 3rd Annual Reunion Attendance
Post by: Joel on March 01, 2013, 01:11:03 PM
Name:  Joel, Renee, Delaney, Kelly Ryan & Shelby (the dog)
# of Guests:  4 + 1 dog  ;)
Boat Make/Model:  AM Skier 1991 Advance
Dates of Arrival/Departure:  June 12 - June 19 - We are here for the duration!!!

Title: Re: 3rd Annual Reunion Attendance
Post by: Joel on March 17, 2013, 09:14:22 AM

Now I know Ron & family are coming!  And we have a couple of guys that are local in TN.  Who else is coming that hasnt signed up here?

Title: Re: 3rd Annual Reunion Attendance
Post by: PaulM on March 24, 2013, 11:28:52 PM
Name : Paul Martel
# of Guests : 1
Boat Make/Model : 88 Advance
Arrival/Departure Date : Friday 6/14, Depart Sunday 6/16

I made my room reservation @ Shangrila last week. 

I look forward to seeing a few new and boats!!
Title: Re: 3rd Annual Reunion Attendance
Post by: Joel on March 25, 2013, 12:00:38 PM
Thanks for the info Paul.   O.K.  Here we go...  :)   Looks like were up to FIVE boats!!  Who else is coming...??  Let us know.

Dan, I'm not sure what a "Walmart" boat is, but if you say your bringing one then it counts  ;)

Title: Re: 3rd Annual Reunion Attendance
Post by: Piper5314 on March 26, 2013, 10:31:25 PM
Marty & Cathy Ferguson
1990 Volante
Arriving Friday and Leaving Sunday

Title: Re: 3rd Annual Reunion Attendance
Post by: Joel on March 27, 2013, 03:53:37 PM
Thanks Marty & Cathy!!  Were cooking with gas now...  SIX CLASSIC BOATS!!!  Who's next!?!?

Title: Re: 3rd Annual Reunion Attendance
Post by: Donald MARTEL on March 28, 2013, 07:29:54 PM
Donald Martel 
Count me in
will be hanging out with Paul
we'll bring one of our boats
 8) ::) ;)
Title: Re: 3rd Annual Reunion Attendance
Post by: Joel on March 29, 2013, 10:17:15 AM
If your close enough... bring BOTH boats!  Were trying to get as many classic AM Skiers on site as we can which is the primary reason for the "reunion" besides getting together & having a lot of fun!  We typically have more people / passengers than boats so the more boats the merrier  :)

Plus, we want to show those new fancy boat owners & manufacturers what a real ski boat looks like  ;)   Apparently, Malibu is having a photo shoot & other boat manufacturers are around - I think there is a boat show going on...  One of the reasons the rooms are selling out faster than usual.

Thanks for the info!!!   Joel
Title: Re: 3rd Annual Reunion Attendance
Post by: Joel on April 09, 2013, 11:23:12 AM
Things have kind of died down lately... so this is a "bump"    ;D   Were up to SIX boats, maybe SEVEN, and just shy of 20 people!

Anybody else that is planning on coming to the Reunion, please give me a heads up - even if its just tentative.


Title: Re: 3rd Annual Reunion Attendance
Post by: Piper5314 on April 25, 2013, 12:14:39 AM

Saddled up and ready for the reunion!

Title: Re: 3rd Annual Reunion Attendance
Post by: phil on April 25, 2013, 01:33:45 PM

Saddled up and ready for the reunion!

Nice rig! Safe travels to everyone making it to the reunion this year. Wish we could make it  but we have a lot going on right now..expecting third child, selling our house and trying to find a new one etc.. You guys have fun and take lots of pictures. Cheers!
Title: Re: 3rd Annual Reunion Attendance
Post by: Piper5314 on April 26, 2013, 03:44:02 PM
What is the exact location on the lake for the reunion?  Got to get a camping spot.

Confirm the dates also!



Title: Re: 3rd Annual Reunion Attendance
Post by: Joel on April 28, 2013, 04:32:07 PM

The official dates are June 14, 15 & 16th (Fri, Sat, Sun) a.k.a. Fathers Day Weekend.  Of course a few of us are staying MUCH longer.  My family will be arriving on the 12th through the 18th or so...  Making a family vacation out of it!  Dan Tanis' family is also staying longer.

The site is the Shanghai Resort on Norris Lake: (


Give me a yell at (614) 886-3511 if your around the lake on June 12 or 13th.  Lets get together so you can tell me what is where, take a tour of the lake and do some skiing!

See ya there!!

Title: Re: 3rd Annual Reunion Attendance
Post by: Midskier on May 22, 2013, 01:34:43 PM
head count down 1 - boat count still the same Mrs Midskier will not be coming  :( ,just me and Midskier Jr
Title: Re: 3rd Annual Reunion Attendance
Post by: Joel on May 22, 2013, 03:36:55 PM
That's not good news...  it will give my wife an excuse NOT to go!   I won't tell her if you dont!   ;)
Title: Re: 3rd Annual Reunion Attendance
Post by: Smitty on May 31, 2013, 07:35:01 PM
I'm out.  Having surgery that week. 
Title: Re: 3rd Annual Reunion Attendance
Post by: Joel on June 01, 2013, 07:52:56 AM
Oh wow... sorry to hear that!   Did the "surprise" you were working on come to fruition??  That would at least be a silver lining  :)   Let us know how your doing.

Title: Re: 3rd Annual Reunion Attendance
Post by: Smitty on June 01, 2013, 10:43:48 AM
Thanks for the concern. 

I have a strong lead on a '00 Volante with 219 hours up in Canada.  As you can tell I'm not posting it in the Craigslist section for good reason.  Unfortunately my health is of greater concern right now than the boat.  I'm hoping the current owner will hold it until I have a chance to get up north. 
Title: Re: 3rd Annual Reunion Attendance
Post by: Joel on June 01, 2013, 03:35:59 PM
Which comes first the boat or the boater?  Gotta take care of yourself or you wont be able to use the boat!   Keep us in the loop and let us know how your doing.

We'll getcha next year  :)
Title: Re: 3rd Annual Reunion Attendance
Post by: Joel on June 02, 2013, 10:06:21 AM
Dan Tanis,  If your out there... give me a call please!!   (614) 886-3511

Title: Re: 3rd Annual Reunion Attendance
Post by: Midskier on June 03, 2013, 11:17:15 AM
yes dear :)

Title: Attendance Update
Post by: PaulM on June 09, 2013, 08:29:24 PM
We'll have one additional guest.  Kevin will join Don and me, arriving Friday approx. 6PM.
Title: Re: 3rd Annual Reunion Attendance
Post by: Joel on June 10, 2013, 07:31:52 AM
Thanks Paul   8)

We'll be getting there on Thursday and departing on Monday.  We had to scale back our stay - the fam wants to go to SeaWorld & Universal in Orlando, FL, so the ski lake budget was cut.   Starting to sound like the Feds "robbing Peter to pay Paul"  :(

Anyway,  Looking forward to seeing everyone!  Its gonna be a good time  :)

Title: Re: 3rd Annual Reunion Attendance
Post by: Piper5314 on June 10, 2013, 09:26:54 PM
Well........Head count is down 2 more!  Wife and I have to go to Atlanta on business tomorrow thru Sunday. The Volante won't make is this year after all.  Sorry guys!

Marty & Cathy
Title: Re: 3rd Annual Reunion Attendance
Post by: Joel on June 11, 2013, 01:34:28 PM
Sorry to hear that...    :(   Hopefully, we'll catch you next year!!
Title: Re: 3rd Annual Reunion Attendance
Post by: Joel on June 11, 2013, 02:04:24 PM
Alrighty then...  I have the following owners w/boats (not including family/guests) attending:

Joel Roberts
Ron Tanis
Dan Tanis
Dennis Welter
Paul Martel

Is that everyone!!!  Let me know if I'm missing anyone.

Title: Re: 3rd Annual Reunion Attendance
Post by: backfoot100 on June 11, 2013, 02:26:10 PM
Unfortunately, I can't make it this year. Family reunion in WI next weekend put a damper on my trip plans. Could swing one or the other but not both. My ski partner has also been begging me to come up to his place for years. Wife and I decided to take him up on it. So the good news is that I will get to experience Norris, but not until the end of July. Bad news is that I won't get a chance to see you guys this year. I've been looking forward to it since last year. It was big fun.

You have a safe trip and make sure to post pics. I'll miss you all.
Title: Re: 3rd Annual Reunion Attendance
Post by: Midskier on June 13, 2013, 06:03:39 AM
in 57 minutes we'll be rolling south!
Title: Re: 3rd Annual Reunion Attendance
Post by: Smitty on June 13, 2013, 06:30:54 AM
Hate that I'm not going.   >:(

Take lots of pics and have fun.  I promise to be there next year with an American Skier in tow. 
Title: Re: 3rd Annual Reunion Attendance
Post by: Joel on June 13, 2013, 09:12:44 AM
On our way in 30 minutes.  A/C in the house went out yesterday and had to wait for the HVAC guy to fix it today.   Replaced fan motor, outside breaker & some other associated pieces / parts.

Title: Re: 3rd Annual Reunion Attendance
Post by: RonT on June 13, 2013, 10:30:31 AM
Susan & I made it to Chattanoga last nite, spending Thursday with relatives, will resume the trek Friday moring to Shang hi
Title: Re: 3rd Annual Reunion Attendance
Post by: wetamb on June 13, 2013, 08:44:57 PM
Well gents, this will be my first miss  :-[. Just don't have the funds at this time.  So 2 outta 3 ain't too bad.  Have fun on new lake.

Title: Re: 3rd Annual Reunion Attendance
Post by: PaulM on June 16, 2013, 09:48:11 PM
Shanghai Resort; Norris Lake, TN turned-out to be a fantastic location for the 2013 American Skier reunion!! 

We had (5) boats in attendance plus (13) American Skier aficionados.

This lake is big, clean, and afforded flat water for AM skiing.  The accommodations at the Shanghai Resort were VG/E.  This location must be considered for future reunions.

Kevin made the return trip from Norris Lake, TN back to the Chicago area, Paul to Fenton, MI, and Don to Brighton, MI trailering the 88 Advance, without incident today.  We wish our A/S friends remaining at Norris Lake the same fortune on their trips back to home base.
Title: Re: 3rd Annual Reunion Attendance
Post by: Smitty on June 17, 2013, 06:24:57 AM
That is awesome to hear.  Again, very sorry that I couldn't make it this year, but I promise I will be in attendance next year.  Glad to see that the resort and accomodations were to everyone's liking.  It makes it more inviting for people to hear that. 

As always:  Post pictures!!!!  We want to see the Skier's and hear the stories. 
Title: Re: 3rd Annual Reunion Attendance
Post by: RonT on June 17, 2013, 05:12:09 PM
FYI: Susan & I made it home Monday with no problems, 12 hours, & a sore butt. No more tire blow-outs. 
Title: Re: 3rd Annual Reunion Attendance
Post by: Donald MARTEL on June 17, 2013, 07:07:01 PM
 :D :D
What a beautiful place to have a reunion.  Those of you that missed ought to surely plan ahead for the next reunion..  The lake is huge.  We weren't able to cover a tenth of it.  Crystal clear glass flat slalom/barefoot water every morning.  5 awesome American Skiers and 13 participants.  Definitely look forward to next year and perhaps a group of us can rent one of those houseboats for the weekend.

Title: Re: 3rd Annual Reunion Attendance
Post by: Joel on June 17, 2013, 08:00:32 PM
We made it back to Columbus, OH, without incident and Dennis Welter made it back to FL as well  :)  BTW, that man can SKI!!!  A freakin' slalom machine  :)

I cant say enough positive things about the location...   The lake is beautiful, clear & clean.  My boat was docked for 4 days and what little bathtub ring that was on the hull wiped right off (used NuFinish on the gelcoat before we went down - great stuff).  The Shanghai Resort had great food and the Springs Resort did as well (Marina prices of course) & both have good friendly service.  Quite a few very nice marinas / resorts within minutes of each other.  The only downside is the lake is kind of rural - no pools, beaches, malls, amusement parks, or other recreational activities that don't involve boating so the wives / kids may or may not be overly enthusiastic.  This is the busiest part of the lake so the afternoon water was very choppy with converging swells / wakes...  You can find a few coves with decent water to trick, kneeboard, wakeboard, etc, but the a.m. water is TO DIE FOR slalom & footin'!!!  Every morning the entire lake was glassed out...  Fantastic water from sun up till well after 10 when the traffic resumed (Father's Day Weekend and all).  Monday morning was even better, but I was too pooped, sore & exhausted to get up...  ya know... in a GOOD way  ;)

Ron & Dan gave tech sessions in the afternoon on Sat/Sun including shaft log packing replacement & engine/shaft alignment (on my boat - thank you again for the direction) and trailer maintenance along with TONS of great advice throughout the weekend!  Paul and Don took a lot of pictures and Dan has a ton of video - quite a few with me wiping out in dramatic fashion!!  I'm sure they'll post pics or links soon.  Everyone had a great time and the company was fantastic!   See y'all NEXT YEAR!!!

Title: Re: 3rd Annual Reunion Attendance
Post by: Midskier on June 18, 2013, 08:11:17 AM
no problems coming home for us
calculated average speed from start to finish was 68 mph ...........
got home in time to unload eat dinner and mow the lawn b4 the blackhawks game

Aaron will be downloading the pics and vids today if he ever gets out of bed :)

great seeing all of you again

Dan T
Title: Re: 3rd Annual Reunion Attendance
Post by: Joel on June 18, 2013, 10:17:30 AM
Dan,  I'm not entirely sure I want to see them...  sure some of my runs are very entertaining   :-[   Thanks again for the instruction and professional boat driving or I may not have gotten up & skied at all   ;D   Give my best to the family!!!

Title: Re: 3rd Annual Reunion Attendance
Post by: Midskier on June 19, 2013, 01:45:43 PM
handful of pictures loaded .............

Dan T
Title: Re: 3rd Annual Reunion Attendance
Post by: Midskier on June 21, 2013, 05:46:05 PM
a dozen or so videos posted on youtube

my "channel" is Midskier

here's a vid link

2013 American Skier Boats Reunion time to slow down :) (

a link to my channel (

sort by most recent

Dan T
Title: Re: 3rd Annual Reunion Attendance
Post by: er0578 on June 24, 2013, 07:41:41 PM
I hated to miss the reunion this year as well. The distance and time did not allow for it. Therefore I am excited to start thinking about next year. Would anyone be interested in another location in Central US like Table Rock Lake in southern Missouri/Arkansas line?  The Chris Craft club has their reunion on Table Rock Lake every year so these locations are already used to accommodating for this. I also know of 3 other American Skier owners on Table Rock Lake. There is resorts and restaurants all over the lake. If you all would be interested my brother and I will start looking into accommodations. That would add 2 more boats for sure. Let me know your thoughts.

Title: Re: 3rd Annual Reunion Attendance
Post by: Joel on September 05, 2013, 07:04:54 AM
Eric and anyone else interested in a 4th Annual Reunion.  I've pretty much spear-headed every Reunion to date - even though I couldnt make the 2nd...  Anyway, if you want to have a reunion in your neck of the woods, I'd say go for it!!!  You'll probably have a few boats (at least) within towing distances and it is a BLAST to get together will everyone on this forum.  Still, I'd recommend Norris Lake, TN.  Its very central to everyone, reasonably priced, and the water is to die for...   :)

Having said all that, my boat just sold so I wont be organizing  the 4th Annual Reunion.  I'll probably attend if one of you guys doesnt mind me tagging along & skiing behind thier boat!!!  LOL!!!  I still have my ski, towrope, vest, etc, and it should all fit nicely in the back of my car  :)

I'm looking forward to see who "steps up" and gets this thing off to a good start!  Its worth the effort  :)

Title: Re: 3rd Annual Reunion Attendance
Post by: Midskier on September 10, 2013, 04:20:11 PM
Hey Eddie.............. how was your trip in July?
Title: Re: 3rd Annual Reunion Attendance
Post by: backfoot100 on September 10, 2013, 06:28:02 PM
Hey Eddie.............. how was your trip in July?

It was awesome. We had quite a bit of rain over the weekend but didn't dampen anything a whole lot. There was group of about 75 people there with about 30 different boats. All CC except my AS and one really cool Hydrodyne OB.

Secluded is an understatement. I'm driving into it and see a caution sign that says extreme curves and steep grades for the next ten miles. Holy Crap!!!! They weren't kidding. 180 degree hairpin turns on 15-20% grades uphill with a boat in tow was not fun. Then you do the same thing downhill after you get to top. By the time we got to the cabin, you could smell the brakes and they were hot. I'm telling you if you don't have good brakes and a strong tranny, you'll have a hard time making it. That last ten miles was almost a 45 minute drive after being on the road for 12 hrs.

Once there, the scenery was incredible, the company and the boats were awesome. The water was great but the weather made it less than desirable at times. Still found more than enough water to barefoot until you just couldn't hold on to the handle anymore or your legs and feet  were completely numb. Or both.

The worst part of the whole weekend was the walk back to our cabin from our covered slip on the dock. It was literally about 400 yds. and all uphill after you got off the dock. It was brutal after being on the water all day. The resorts floating dock is probably 300 yds long by itself. It's HUGE.

In retrospect, probably not a great place to have the reunion but a very cool place to see if you ever have the opportunity. There was only one small restaurant. It had good food but that was literally your only choice. We brought all of our food and drink with us so it wasn't an issue at all. The nearest grocery store is a half hour drive to get to it. Gas on the dock was reasonable considering the conditions. 93 lead free octane for $4.43/gal. and you pull right up to the pump.

I wouldn't hesitate to go back
Title: Re: 3rd Annual Reunion Attendance
Post by: Joel on January 17, 2014, 08:09:13 AM
Eric and anyone else interested in a 4th Annual Reunion.  I've pretty much spear-headed every Reunion to date - even though I couldnt make the 2nd...  Anyway, if you want to have a reunion in your neck of the woods, I'd say go for it!!!  You'll probably have a few boats (at least) within towing distances and it is a BLAST to get together will everyone on this forum.  Still, I'd recommend Norris Lake, TN.  Its very central to everyone, reasonably priced, and the water is to die for...   :)

Having said all that, my boat just sold so I wont be organizing  the 4th Annual Reunion.  I'll probably attend if one of you guys doesnt mind me tagging along & skiing behind thier boat!!!  LOL!!!  I still have my ski, towrope, vest, etc, and it should all fit nicely in the back of my car  :)

I'm looking forward to see who "steps up" and gets this thing off to a good start!  Its worth the effort  :)


I'm checking in to see if anyone is going to organize a 4th Reunion?  Anyone...?  Anyone...?  Bueller...?  Bueller....?

Title: Re: 3rd Annual Reunion Attendance
Post by: RonT on January 18, 2014, 01:18:51 PM
My travel plans for the summer are booked, Susan told me we were going on a "big vacation" for our 25th anniversary.  If the galaxy aligns itself just right I will be in central florida the first week in April & maybe the guys in Florida can meet up somewhere for a day??
Title: Re: 3rd Annual Reunion Attendance
Post by: Mike Harry on January 19, 2014, 02:52:36 AM
Im down with that Ron................. Just say when and where.
Title: Re: 3rd Annual Reunion Attendance
Post by: RonT on January 19, 2014, 10:14:11 AM
Looks like Saturday april 5th, I will be attending a fly in convention Thur & Fri (3&4th) in Lakeland & have a place to stay in WinterPark (mother-in law) and I think Sat. is wide open. There is also a chance that Brother Dan might be able to join us on that day.
Title: Re: 3rd Annual Reunion Attendance
Post by: Mike Harry on January 20, 2014, 03:11:02 AM
Where Ya'll want to cruise? Butler chain?
Title: Re: 3rd Annual Reunion Attendance
Post by: Mike Harry on January 20, 2014, 03:11:39 AM
I know thats your old testing/stomping grounds  :)
Title: Re: 3rd Annual Reunion Attendance
Post by: RonT on January 21, 2014, 07:35:31 AM
That sounds like fun, the longer & colder the winter runs up north the easier it will be to get my brother down to join us. He is probably practising his barefootin form behind a snowmobile on his frozen lake.
Title: Re: 3rd Annual Reunion Attendance
Post by: USAskier on June 17, 2014, 07:03:09 PM
Will there be a 2014 reunion? We are in the Cocoa Beach area.
Title: Re: 3rd Annual Reunion Attendance
Post by: MaxA on June 17, 2014, 09:41:43 PM
No way!  I am also in cocoa beach.  It would be cool to have a small reunion and meet everyone in florida.
Title: Re: 3rd Annual Reunion Attendance
Post by: backfoot100 on June 18, 2014, 06:56:37 AM
There isn't one scheduled for this year. We've had it on father's day weekend in the past. This year if I remember correctly Ron had a full schedule for the summer.
Anyway, we should definitely try to schedule something for next year again.
They are definitely a good time.
Title: Re: 3rd Annual Reunion Attendance
Post by: coeperc on June 18, 2014, 07:38:14 AM
Florida area sounds good to me too for the next reunion.  I'm in Tallahassee.
Title: Re: 3rd Annual Reunion Attendance
Post by: RonT on June 18, 2014, 01:06:42 PM
We met in 2011, 12, 13 but not this summer. The first 2 were in West Tennessee, the last one in East Tennessee. Neither location had a "resident" A/S Owner, but was a compromise location to make it easier for members to get there. Both were on large lakes/rivers with adequate housing. Neither my family nor my brother Dans family were able to attend anything this summer. (did attempt a mini-reunion in Fl in the spring) I made this suggestion before & I'll throw it out there again to see if it gets any traction. Odd years in Florida, Even years in Midwest????  It really helps if there is a local member who can scout the location and make informed recommendations. 
Title: Re: 3rd Annual Reunion Attendance
Post by: backfoot100 on June 19, 2014, 09:24:27 AM
I guess it would be a possible option. I would question time frames.
A northern reunion would have to be in summer. What about FL? Summer is an option but it's hot and the rainy season meaning PM showers potentially every day. Or do we do FL reunion in the spring?
Then do you wait a year and a half or do two in a 6-8 month period?

I like the idea but the central location for everybody was nice too. There were questions about different re reunion logistically would have less participation than a single central location.

Just some thoughts.

Title: Re: 3rd Annual Reunion Attendance
Post by: USAskier on June 29, 2014, 03:44:50 PM
I'm a resident in Florida and yes the rainy season is in summer but it doesn't ruin a whole day just the last couple hours of it.
Title: Re: 3rd Annual Reunion Attendance
Post by: 91amskierlove on June 30, 2014, 09:18:35 PM
Hi, how about lake powell for those of us in the west ? ;)
Title: Re: 3rd Annual Reunion Attendance
Post by: DustinS on July 01, 2014, 08:44:10 AM
I have always wanted to do this! I'm from Kansas so Midwest is where I would heading from! If I ever get off my butt and order my steering cable from Ron  ;)
Title: Re: 3rd Annual Reunion Attendance
Post by: deanharvey on July 12, 2014, 01:22:03 AM
Lake Conroe here in the Houston area is centrally located warm and has tons of accommodations. I have never been to a reunion but it looks like fun. Only owned my TBX for a little over 1 year.
Title: Re: 3rd Annual Reunion Attendance
Post by: PaulM on August 10, 2014, 10:27:44 PM
Looking forward to the next reunion.......wherever???
Title: 2016 Annual Reunion
Post by: h2go4it on December 09, 2015, 10:16:04 PM
Hey Guys!

I am new to the Club and just bought my '87 Advance in September 2015.  I have been an avid slalom skier for over 40 years!  I got excited when I discovered that y'all have had some American Skier reunions and I am ready for another!  I haven't found any comments about a 2016 Reunion..... anyone making plans?

I have read comments from the 2013 Reunion of folks scattered out across the U.S. and realize that it is tough to accommodate those that are either extreme east or west.  I do like the idea of having only one reunion for all, since the turnout has been small thus far.... the more together, the better!  We have some excellent water in Central Arkansas with 4 lakes within 30 miles of Hot Springs. Plenty of accommodations, restaurants, and things to do.  I have lived on Lake Catherine (the smallest of our lakes - and best skiing water IMO) since 1970 and know the area well.  I will be glad to supply any desired info.

With that said, I am willing to go wherever possible to best suit the whole.  Let's get together!
