Ski Boat Forum
Repairs and Maintenance => Engine Repair/Maintenance - All Ski Boats => Topic started by: jono10 on October 28, 2012, 05:39:50 PM
Hi everyone. I have a simple question to ask. I have done a lot of internet research on the oil level for an indmar 351 for my 88 Advance, And have come up with 4.5 litres. I therefore put in 4.5 litres including filling the filter before install. The dip stick has oil about an inch above the OK mark even after running. I'm a little confused and need some input from those in the know. ???Thanks Jono.
4.5L = 4.75 Quarts
we typically drain and refill including filter change real close to 5 quarts if not 5 quarts every time
unless it doesn't show on the stick and we took out more than 5 quarts will we put in more than 5
sounds like you're right in the wheel house
Dan T
It sounds about right to me. It should be about 5 US quarts (4.73 liters) total including the filter.
Keep in mind that the oil levels may vary a bit depending on the type and size filter being used, oil pan volume inaccuracies, gasket materials, etc.
Is this a stock motor? Has the oil pan or the dipstick tube been removed/replaced for any reason? Has the dipstick itself been replaced? The reassembly of any of these may have changed the dipstick position slightly.
My Indmar owners manual does not specifically state how much oil the engine needs to fill it up. Maybe newer manuals do.
I do know that the 1988 PCM manual for SBF and SBC engines specifically state 4 quarts (3.79 liters) in the crankcase, run the engine and then top off to the FULL mark. This would be very close to 5 US quarts (4.73 liters) total.
I don't think that Indmar would have put a different oil pan on their engines compared to their PCM counterparts but I'm certainly not an expert in that regard.
Dont forget about "clingage"... You never get it ALL out and if your using the bottom drain hose you may still have a 1/2 quart or more in there because the oil pan is tilted back and the drain hose (at least on mine anyway) is positioned towards the front of the pan. I fill up with 4 quarts... run a bit and double check... top off if needed.
:)Thanks everyone you have been very helpfull. It has a z9 filter on it, From what I can tell all the motor is standard, And my drain hose is on the side but at the rear of the pan so all good. Thanks again Jono.