Ski Boat Forum
Repairs and Maintenance => Engine Repair/Maintenance - All Ski Boats => Topic started by: slednw on June 05, 2010, 08:58:46 PM
Changed out my points for the electronic ignition. Man what a difference boat is pulling 4600 rpms now and has no hesitation. Took a little while to get it timed because the marks where hard to read on the balancer but not that difficult. Be ready to time the boat after install because it will most likely need adjustment!
I've been thinking about changing to electronic as well, but I'm NOT mechanically inclined & the marine shops around here arent the best... :( How much did it cost? Parts / Labor...
A Ford is a Ford and a Chevy is a Chevy. If you know someone who works on their own cars they should be able to help you install the kit.
Its as easy as pulling the distributor cap, pulling the points and condinser, placing ingitor system in with a screw, and replacing the the cap. Then put a timing light on it.
Wish I was closer, I would give you a hand.
Cost a $100 bucks and was very easy to install. I didn't have a timing light but was able to rent one from the local auto parts store. First time every timing an engine and to be honest I was very surprised how easy it was.
Awesome, glad to hear it worked out ok
Dan T
Sounds like one of the more useful things to do... and it doesnt cost an arm & a leg... Thanks guys!!!!
I've never timed an engine either, that's something I really want to do some day.
The best time to set your engine at is Happy Hour
Well... that goes without saying!!!
Gonna get the electronic ignition installed this week. I'm looking at a Pertronix 751-1541 ignition kit which is rated for marine use on my "Prestolite" distributor on the Ford 351. Cost about $88.00 @
Was wondering which make/model any of you guys have used with the Ford 351??? Or, do you recommend any specific brand/make/model????
I have had one for several years without any issues and have been satisfied. I believe it is the same exact one you are looking at.
Beautiful!!! Thanks Phil!!! ;D
I dont know about the one you are talking about Joel, but I have in the past used a "Ignitor" system and it worked perfectly. Its still on my uncles boat (master craft) has been for Id guess 6 or 7 years with no problem.
I highly recommend the upgrade.
I got my ignition out of the junk yard - 350 chevy...never had any issues, runs like a top (knock on wood).
I got my ignition out of the junk yard - 350 chevy...never had any issues, runs like a top (knock on wood).
You got the HEI distriutor then? Not quite as easy for the Ford guys out there. I run a Mallory HEI in my Indmar (chevy).
Just so you know, in case you didnt already. ITS NOT OK TO RUN AN AUTOMOTIVE DISTRIBUTOR FOR MARINE APPLICATIONS. But thats what I do as well and so do many others.
Just incase you didnt know.
Thanks guys... Yes its a marine distributor (Prestolite - Marine SAE #.....). I found the Pertronix elec. ignitor on Discount Inboard Marine but theyre prices were higher & NAPA wanted a small fortune @ $199.00. Jegs had it for $88.00 + handling/tax with next day delivery and its marine rated specifically for the Prestolite distributor. BTW, I think this distributor was used primarily in Studebakers... wierd huh???
It looks as easy as taking out the points & screwing down the new electronic system - two wires total - and putting the rotor & cap back on... I've got my mechanic helping me (just in case) and also cause I dont have a timing light & wouldnt know how to read one if I did... But, I'll know how after Wednesday :)
It is just that easy my friend, and you will never believe how easy it is to read a timing light either. You will be able to do both with ease after seeing it one time.
All I know fer sure is it only cost me $20, was a breeze to install and the boat has never run better. WAY better than dealing with points.
1541 is not the right one
Yeah, I just figured that out... :-[
1541 is for a 4 cyl - the website doesnt specify, but it shows "4 cyl" on the box. 1582 (the correct one) is for the 8 cyl with the screw down cap. It'll be here tomorrow...
You guys are NOT going to believe this... Or, the way things have been going lately, maybe you will ::) The "correct" ignitor shows up and I'm busy installing it when I realize the rotor wont fit down into the magnet sleeve - at all. I call Jegs and they tell me I must have the wrong rotor (original rotor)... well it must be the wrong distributor (same one I had yesterday when you told me the # 1582 was the CORRECT part)... Well, we cant find your distributor # on any of the cross-references provided by Prestolite... Call us tomorrow when Prestolite is open and we'll see what we can do... >:( Yeah right.
Tomorrow I'm returning the damn thing.
Guess I'll start from scratch. Can any of you guys recommend a GOOD make/model ignitor for Prestolite distributor on the Ford 351? In the meantime, I'm gonna buy me some points & a condenser.
Thanks again, Joel
what # is your dizzy? IBM 7013(?)
and so far I've had good luck with pertronix distributors too
if you want an HEI you'll have to bang the net to find a marine version , there is one out there
but then you need to change wires too
IBM 1008 is the distributor cap #. I went to Jegs today and returned the # 1582 since it didnt fit my rotor. They ordered the # 1581 (it is exactly the same except it comes with a rotor). A couple more bucks, but if it works I'll be a happy camper ;D
If not, I'm gonna throw away that damn Prestolite distributor and get one that people actually have parts for... ::)
Thanks again...