Author Topic: Motor Mount Maint.  (Read 3817 times)

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Motor Mount Maint.
« on: March 03, 2017, 08:42:36 AM »
An often forgotten part to maintain is the adjustable motor mounts. If you are doing your own service as most of us here do, then you know checking the shaft to engine alignment is an annual ritual. For those who are doing this you will already know that a little grease on the threads or at least a shot of WD-40 on the threaded posts goes a long way to keeping the mounts usable as designed. I am reminding you of this as I am putting a customers boat back together after his local dealer advised him his boat was too far gone to do an alignment and another boat would be cheaper!! Now this was a salt water used boat, (2000 model V-Drive brand X) last alignment was 2002 by the dealer, now water pours in through the shaft log keeping the bilge pump(s) very busy. But the motor actually ran pretty well, even in this  condition. The primary reason the dealer would not service the boat was that the mounts and shaft coupling were all rusted beyond service and removing the engine to replace the parts was beyond their service departments ability- the dealer sent the customer to our shop if he was going to attempt a repair vs replace the boat. I did have to design a new tool for removing the shaft coupling, but was able to remove the motor, replace the mounts, address several other issues, re-paint, and align the shaft to the engine to within .0015" all for a mere $3800.  A squirt of WD-40 every year and the annual alignment would have been a bit cheaper.