Interesting that you mention this Ron.
I noticed that the oil drain fitting was dangerously close to one of the tracking fin studs coming through the hull quite a few years ago. By dangerously close I mean it was only .019" clearance!!! I was checking the clearance with a feeler gauge about once a month to make sure that it wasn't causing an issue.
When I rebuilt my engine I knew the clearance needed to be addressed so I started doing some research. I found out that factory SBC marine oil pans were 6 QT. capacity and had the drain plug on the centerline of the pan. Auto pans were normally 5 QT. capacity and had the drain plug on the side of the pan.
Trying to find a suitable replacement pan was quite a bit harder than what you might imagine. I couldn't use a factory pan because a stroker build needs proper clearance of the pan to the crank. Factory pans don't provide that clearance.
Aftermarket marine pans can be huge. Normally 10 to 12 QT. capacities and the dimensions would not even come close to fitting in the bilge. So I was pretty much stuck with an automotive aftermarket pan.
I checked with several pan makers and heard horror stories about fitment issues with anything other than American made craftsmanship. That in itself eliminated several manufacturers. I finally settled on a Milodon street performance unit that was designed to look stock but still provides enough internal clearance for a stroker crank. It was listed as a 5QT. capacity so I lost a QT. of capacity but with a filter would still be six QT's. It also contained a built in windage tray. I also decided to get the matching Milodon oil pump and pickup so there wouldn't be any pump pickup depth issues for the new pan.
You can see the difference between the two pans here. Factory on the left and the Milodon on the right. The factory pan still has the oil drain fitting installed which transferred to the new pan perfectly. It doesn't look like much but 1/2" less depth combined with the side drain leaves plenty of clearance.

Based on the issues that I ran into trying to find a new pan, the fact that Ron is looking into stocking a suitable replacement deserves a huge THANK YOU.