Welcome to the New Ski Boat Forum

Where did we come from and where are we going? In 2009 a Facebook group was started by an American Skier owner who was looking for a source of "How-To" questions and answers. This quickly became the "go-to" place for American Skier boat owners. Later in 2009 the site owner developed a more user friendly true forum site known as AmSkierBoats.com. Former owner of American Skier Boats, designer and builder Ron Tanis was asked to monitor the site for accuracy and help keep everyone honest. Early in 2015 the site went down from technical issues, the owner had sold his boat and was no longer interested in spending more money on a site that does not generate any income. Another dedicated American Skier owner "BJ" along with Ron Tanis have revived the site and are taking it to the next level. SkiBoatForum.net Is dedicated to the classic direct drive inboard tournament Ski Boat owners, particularly from custom low volume builders. Correct Craft, MasterCraft, and Malibu all have good, quality owners forums in place. Although the sites roots are all American Skier, we welcome boat owners of: Brendella Boats, Calabria Boats, Centurion Boats, Gekko Boats, Moomba Boats, Ski Supreme, and Supra Boats and others.